Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

 In memory of all those in uniform who gave their lives for our freedom.

Let there be peace, welfare and righteousness
in every part of the world.
Let confidence and friendship prevail
for the good of east and west
for the good of the needy south
for the good of all humanity.
Let the people inspire their leaders
helping them to seek peace by peaceful means
helping them and urging them
to build a better world
a world with a home for everybody
a world with food and work for everybody
a world with spiritual freedom
for everybody.
Let those who have the power of money
be motivated by selfless compassion.
Let money become a tool
for the good of humankind.
Let those who have power
deal respectfully with the resources of the planet.
Let them respect and maintain
the purity of the air, water, land and subsoil.
Let them co-operate to restore
the ecological soundness of Mother Earth.
Let trees grow up by the billions
around the world.
Let green life invade the deserts.
Let industry serve humanity
and produce waste that serves nature.
Let technology respect
the holiness of Mother Earth.
Let those who control the mass media
contribute to create mutual understanding
contribute to create optimism and confidence.
Let ordinary people
meet by the millions across the borders.
Let them create a universal network
of love and friendship.
Let billions of human beings
co-operate to create a good future
for their children and grandchildren.
Let us survive
In peace and harmony with Mother Earth.  ~ Hagen Hasselbalch

If we can all get along, then humans should be able to too! We are cats for peace! Happy Memorial Day ya'll!


The Florida Furkids said...

Humans could learn a lot from us cats.

Happy Memorial Day!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Memorial Day

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Great post, furriends. Happy Memorial Day.

Summer at said...

You would think it would be easy for humans to follow our lead... I am purring for peace today!

Old Kitty said...

Happy Memorial Day to all of you! Take care

Catherine said...

Have a Happy Memorial Day sweet kitties!
xo Catherine

The Island Cats said...

Happy Memorial Day to you all!

Mariodacat said...

OMC - I LOVE your big cuddle pile. Happy Memorial Day,

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have a Happy Memorial Day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Love that saying. Cats for peace. What a great picture of all the kitties together. Cats sure can teach us all a bunch of stuff. If only we would listen. Happy Memorial day to you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Beautiful post! I love the cats for peace! We love all of our heros, past, present and future. Happy Memorial Day!

Anonymous said...

♥In honor of those who gave everything that we may have everything♥

Cathy Keisha said...

We love this post! I'm a kitteh for peace also. Remembering and purring for all the vets.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Cats for Peace....that is purrfect

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Humans could surelly learn a lot of stuff from us cat´s !
To bad they are such slow learners though ;-)

The Creek Cats said...

Hope you had a great Memorial weekend!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes for Saylor!
The Creek Cats

Pip said...

Cheri, thank you so much for the card. It was a comfort as I was getting Squashies ready to go this morning. You are very dear.

We loves the kitty cuddle-puddle picture!

meowmeowmans said...

What a great post. We sure hope you had a great Memorial Day, dear friends.

By the way, we are so glad to hear that Chica did well at the vet. We are purring and praying for her!



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