
Monday, July 30, 2012

Dots and Stripes and a Week Off

It's us Tabitha on the left and Woody on the right - we are best buds and do everything together!!!  As you may know our computerdied a few weeks back and we have borrowed a laptop form mom's coworker but they are going out of town andneed it back.  Today will be our last post until next week or more.  We hope to have another computer by then.

Mom can go to the library to use their computer but we don't have access to our pics.  We will check in on everyone from there.  Meanwhile please vote for Minnie and Joey for Synchronized Snoozing at the Island Cats this week!!!  We think they have great technique.  See ya soon!


  1. We think the snoozing entry is superb! We haven't voted, at least not yet, because it's seems impossible to choose!

    Good luck getting a new computer, we'll miss you for the week. Paws crossed we see you back online next week, though.

  2. OH, dear, we remember having to borrow a computer to use cause ours was down. We're glad you've been able to be online and look forward to when you get back.

  3. Oh good for you for being in the finals. We didnt make it. But that is all right. We will go vote for ya. Hope you don't go nuts without a computer. Take care.

  4. I love your snoozing entry. The Woman would not survive with having to borrow a computer! Oh my!

  5. That's snoozing entry is great. I will get over there and vote. Sorry about all your computer problems. It's very frustrating when that happens.

  6. I hope your humans get a new computer soon - I miss seeing you guys! You are not able to be here often enough with just a borrowed laptop.

  7. Adorable Tabitha and wonderful Woody!! Awwww you are gorgeous super stripey tabbies!!!! Yay for your amazing snoozing!! It's a winner!!

    Good luck with your computer!! Please return asap - we are missing you all already! Take care

  8. We love the first pic...we imagine you two are in the shape of a heart.

  9. We think their synchronized snoozing is great!!! We hope you are able to get a new computer soon :-)

  10. Precious babies. Can momma crawl thru your modem and snuggle you both? Great that you're in the finals. xxoo

  11. We'll miss you...but we hope you get that new computer!

    Congrats to Minnie and Joey on making it to the finals! They are great synchronized snoozers!!

  12. We love those dots and stripes and your sleeping technique. Enjoy your week off. hugs and nose kisses

  13. A new PC how exciting! Than we can see more of you :-)

  14. Computer problems are not fun!! Hope you kitties have a good week and good luck to mom when you gets a new computer!
    xo Catherine

  15. your photos are just adorable!

    So sorry about the computer woes. When being without one that long I think the best way to look at it as God saying it is time to take a vacation!

    Congrats on being in the finals!

  16. Sorry to hear you guys will be offline (we'll miss you for sure!). Hope you find a good replacement computer soon, too.

    We'll go vote for you Minnie and Joey now. :)

  17. We know you will love a new computer when you get it.
    We are so happy you made the finals.


  18. Such a sweet picture! Hope you have a good week.

  19. We´re so sad about the lost of Aimée... thanks to the sweet words on your blog.

  20. Hello Cheri and cats!
    We just dropped by to say hello and we hope you get a computer soonest. Our human actually made a post the other day but we are not sure we can get her to keep it up - both she and our dad have been working more hours plus have older family which need help from them.

    XXX and purrs from Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha (and mom Katie)

    P.S. Tasha sends special tortie purrs to the lovely Miss Chica! Long may she run.


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