
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Making Biscuits - the Lazy Way

It's me Rosa and I want to show you how I make biscuits without even getting up!  I just stretch me legs whilw I nap and knead my catmom, Mamacita!

She's so busy grooming herself, she doesn't even notice me!  Isn't this a great technique?  Have you got a special way to make biscuits?

Mom has started a new blog to help pet bloggers find other pet bloggers who live in their states, countries or even just close by.  Stop by Pet Blogging Buddies and check it out.  We even have other countries on there too - if we don't have yours do tell us and we will add it. It is slow going to add each link and we appologize.  Mom still using a borrowed laptop and not doing real well with it!!! She will get it all done.


  1. I often make biscuits on the Woman almost like you are doing there! Wow.

  2. Making biscuits the lazy way is just saving energy! :)
    I am going to go check out that website! Fun!
    xo Catherine

  3. I could never make biscuits on Ernie. That would end up in a big wrasslin' match!


  4. I don't think there is anything cuter than kitties making biscuits!!!!

  5. We like it! There's no right or wrong way to make biskits! Our Mommy just loves our biskit-makin techniques. Have a great day, furriends.

    Pee Ess - we stopped by and left a comment on the Blogging Buddies.

  6. I'm very serious about it - my human should get a video of it.

  7. MOL, we love this lazy way. Guido is Mr Stampy every night and he lies down too.

    We're a bit far away from you all and we have lots of neighbours so don't worry about us.

  8. I am the only one here that makes biscuits, and only on Momma. Sometimes I get my claws into her when I'm doing it, which makes her go "ouch ouch ouch" ... hee hee!
    Purrs and headbutts,

  9. Anything you can do to conserve energy is good!!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  10. We wouldn't dare to make biscuits on each other it would end up as smacky paws.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. Yay for such a fun way to make biscuits on your wonderful mum, gorgeous Rosa! Take care

  12. A very few of us do that but not often. That is pretty darn neat. Love the picture.
    I added some things to the Buddy Blog. That is such a good idea. Take care.

  13. I like to make bisquits on the oomans, and they love me doing it too. The belly is my favorite part cuz it's squishy,

  14. Knuckles makes biscuits that way too... He really can't be bothered putting too much effort into it, but he does make a gazillion of them at a time.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  15. That is a terrific technique! Hey, I featured your new blog today.

  16. I bet your biscuits are equally as delicious even if you bake them lazily! lol

    Thank you for starting the Pet Buddy Blog!! We signed up and also posted our links and are displaying the badge on one of our two blogs (Cat Chat)

  17. Rosa you must remember making biscuits on your Mom when you were nursing. That is really cute. I like to use Mom's body a lot to make my biscuits.


  18. You know what they say about love, well it's the same thing with making biscuits.

    If you can't be with the one you KNEAD, then KNEAD the one you're with!

  19. We luvluvluv the blog buddy blog!!! thank you. And I think making bread on Mamacita is brilliant!

  20. Biscuits are good. Lazy biscuits are GREAT! We'll go check out the buddy blog now. :)


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