...her gift of burrowing into bedding, pillows and settling in as if we put her there.
..how her easy going nature makes her a perfect victim for stalking and surprise ambushes (like this one with Darby behind her)
....sneaks onto the bed at night to curl up next to me.
...licks me awake int he early morning hours telling me she hungry.

...loves to sit and stare at the Christmas tree lights for the longest times
...eats very slowly, deliberately, pausing every so often (it seems like) to savor her food
her funny feet that seem too big for her body

...naps in the oddest places - on the sweaters in the closet, under newly washed laundry
...wails in a high squeaky voice when she wants something. (This is how she got her name.)
We leave you with this song by John Lennon called Oh Yoko, about her namesake!
We love you sweet Yokie and hope you will be with us for years to come! You were the best Mother's Day gift I ever got. Help yourself to the cake, ice cream, nip, tunnels, crinkle balls and let the celebration begin!
All of us at Wildcat Woods wish all Moms everywhere a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!