
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th and Staying Cool!

Darby here and all of us wish all our stateside friends a Happy 4th of July!

It has been a hot week for us and our younger white cats are housed in a separate building with a screen porch but no AC. They are in the shade and built into the hillside so stay pretty cool normally but with the temps in the upper 90s Pop had to help us stay cool.

We like to sit on the floor and keep cool. Pop hoses down the screen so the air blowing in cools us off. He also wets his hands with cool water and runs them over us - at first we didn't like it but it does feel good after a few times.

Only enjoying a cool bath.
Then Mom got the idea to fill a plastic tub with a few inches of cold water and ice cubes for us to play (and get cool in).  Only and Two Spot liked it.

Only gets his ice cube!
What have you done to stay cool this summer?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sweet Chevelle of The Creek Cats Has Run to The Bridge

"To live in hearts
we leave behind is
not to die."
                                  - Thomas Campbell

We have sad news to share with you.  Our friend and fellow House Panther Chevelle has run off to the Bridge today. She was just 12 - too young to go.  Please stop by and offer words of comfort to her family at the Creek Cats.

Our 4th of July post will be posted later today.