
Monday, July 30, 2012

Dots and Stripes and a Week Off

It's us Tabitha on the left and Woody on the right - we are best buds and do everything together!!!  As you may know our computerdied a few weeks back and we have borrowed a laptop form mom's coworker but they are going out of town andneed it back.  Today will be our last post until next week or more.  We hope to have another computer by then.

Mom can go to the library to use their computer but we don't have access to our pics.  We will check in on everyone from there.  Meanwhile please vote for Minnie and Joey for Synchronized Snoozing at the Island Cats this week!!!  We think they have great technique.  See ya soon!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Goodbye to Our Friend Cinders

Our friend Cinders from The Chair Speaks has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She, like our Chica, had chronic renal failure but did well with the love and care of her EJ. We will miss you but know that now you are young, happy, healthy and watching over us all as the kitty angel you are. Please stop by to offer your condolences to EJ.