
Friday, May 31, 2013

Feral Friday Fun from

Darby really likes them

We were contacted by Andrew from about reviewing some kitty treats by Natural Balance called Perfect Bites!.  We chose the chicken flavor.  Mom likes this company cuz the food and treats are free of corn, soy and wheat which can cause allergies in cats.

So does Mamacita!

Mom gave them to us house cats just this morning.  Well - as you can see we all loved the treats and scarfed them right up.  They are yummy,  very affordable and only one calorie per treat!  We give these treat 32 paws up!

Even Yoko ate some.

The whitesters are not allowed treats since Snowball had his urinary blockage a few months ago and needs to lose weight.  We are happy to say he has lost  weight being on a strict canned food diet .  He is so slim and trim now that we have a hard  time telling him apart from the others. Before he was the biggest cat by far and stood out by size alone.

Fussy Minnie had some too.

If you would like to order some treats for yourself - go to this Chewy page.  We like buying from - it it easy, fast and good prices.  Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. Mmm, yummy treats! We're all for more treats, though our human says we get enough and are both overweight as it is, on our measly 2 TBSP kibble + canned diet. :-p

  2. Thanks for the review.
    I'll have to go look them up.

  3. Those treats do look good. We have some treats too that are very good for the kitties and they love them. Thanks for this good review. Take care.

  4. Yay for yummy chewy treats!! Take care

  5. YUM! That was a darn good Chewy Reviewy!!!

  6. Good review, we always like hearing about new treats!!...Glad to hear Snowball is doing so well; Daddy Cat is on a diet, but it is dry food, but our Mommy is thinking of trying all canned food if she doesn't see results soon...Happy weekend, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  7. Dad started making us treats as he just does not like all the goop that goes into any dry food or treat.

    Every cat has their fav except me.. I do not eat treats as I keep a healthy fighting top cat diet. Meow

    Yay for the wet food diet. Our Buddy went from a big 20 to a slim 13.5.

    Have a nice weekend
    Timmy T

  8. Yum! Those treats sure do look and sound tasty. We have a lot of treats we have to use up, but when we do, we'll check these out! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Those treats look really yummy.


  10. We like Natural Balance foods so we bet we'd like those treats! Thanks for the good review. We like Chewy too!

  11. Those treats look great for kitties! What a great review!

    I'm impressed about Snowball losing weight. Annie needs to do the same. It's a little difficult with Simba having CRF and being very underweight and feeding him constantly.

    Cute pics of everyone enjoying the new treats.

    Thank you also for the Memorial Day card. It's been a crazy week for me at work so I haven't had a chance to blog.

  12. Mom and i love too but can't eat the treats cause of my allergies!

  13. My cats got some of those at BarkWorld to try, and they wouldn't eat them! Go figure!

  14. We're going to ask Mom to check these out. Right now we don't all like the same treats, and our old, senile Mom can't remember which of us likes which treat. maybe we'll all like these. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


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