
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Neighbor Cat Jack on Mancat Monday

Pop says we have all us indoor cats and one outdoor cat - Jack.  He lives up behind us in the woods but is down at our house everyday.  Mom does not feed him but he loves to hunt under our house in the crawlspace.  Pop likes that cuz we don't have any mice, voles, moles or anything under there now!

We were gonna insulate and put cement block along the foundation rather than the siding there but will have to leave a cat door for Jack!

He loves to hang out with the beans whenever they are outside in the yard.  He scares Mom a lot by being so quiet she doesn't know he is there until he brushes up against her and she screams!  He doesn't even run away - just looks at her like"What is your problem human?"

Mom worries about him in the woods but he doesn't go there very much. He walks all the way down his driveway and then turns up ours.  Pretty smart cat.  He doesn't go in the road either.  His family had two indoor cats but they got out accidentally and they never did find them so I guess when they got two more cats they let them stay outside.  Jack's buddy cat is a cow cat but he never comes down our way - just stays up at the house with their woofie Jake. Jake is an old black lab.  He often follows their car down the driveway but forgets to go back up to the house so Mom will walk up the steep long driveway with him to bring him home. He walks very slowly so it can take a while. He is not so smart but sweet.

Hope you enjoyed hearing about our neighbors!

Mom helped find a place with a foster home  thru Brother Wolf our local no-kill shelter for tiny Peyton that was posted on Brian's Home's Forever Home Wanted blog to help homeless pets.  She was transported on Saturday by the beans. On Tuesday Mom and Pop are transporting 7 kittens and 1 momma cat from NC to TN for Dorian of Your Daily Cute blog.  We will have a report about that later this week.

Have a great Monday!


  1. We hope you have a pleasant trip! Its nice of you to left an opening for Jack. He must like people to visit his neighbors!

  2. We really liked learning about handsome Jack, Jake and the cow cat! :)

  3. You all were so matter of fact in your reporting that we didn't even detect any jealousy on your part. We don't like it when our humans fraternize with our neighbor's cats and dogs! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  4. I get the sneaking suspicion that Jack would rather be your humans' cat! I can't wait to hear about how the transport goes.

  5. Awwww lovely to meet such a handsome neighbour! Hello sweet Jack and big wave to your buddy the cow kitty and Jake!! Take care

  6. Oh Jack, you are one handsome boy. That is so nice that you come to visit and catch mice and voles etc. Hope all of you have a great day.

  7. Neighbor Jack is quite handsome, and he sounds like quite a guy to take care of your mice and moles, too.

  8. Purring the transport goes well. Jack seems like a very smart boy. Thanks for telling us about your neighbors.

  9. ((((hugs)))) to you with all of your help with the transport. Jack is one adorable and smart cat!

  10. Hope the transportation goes well. It's great how you let Jack still go into his "secret" place. Bet he never goes hungry with all that wildlife.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. Jack sounds like the purrfect neighbor to have!

  12. That Jace is so kind looking, no wonder you worry about him. Thanks so much for helping little Peyton and for doing the transport with Team Cute!!!

  13. You have some very interesting neighbours. We have an old black Labrador living with us. He's not too smart either.

    The Paw Relations

  14. Dats a very good fing leaving a space fur Jack!

  15. Jack is so handsome...we sure hope he
    is okay with new humans!
    Love Hugs Purrs,

  16. jack...dood...veree nice ta meet ewe...grate job on helpin out by keepin de propertee mice says ya ree mind her oh gram paw dude !! heerz ta a grate monday two all ~~~~~~~~~

  17. Jack is an awesome kitty and a very handsome boy, but we think he might want to live with you guys!...Your Mommy is wonderful for the transport=a great thing to do!...Happy Monday, darling friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  18. That was nice to meet Jack.
    We just wish he liked indoors
    as much as outdoors.
    We always worry about outdoor

  19. Jack seems like a very nice ManCat.

    The Florida Furkids

  20. Jack is a very nice looking kitty :) We are glad he likes to hang around your place and seems to be safe :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  21. We're very glad that you left an opening for Jack to use. We wonder if Jack wishes that you were his humans.

  22. Jack is quite handsome. How nice that you are all leaving an opening for him with the new work.


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