
Monday, December 23, 2013

Model Monday with Woody

Mom did this one in November of me Woody.  She highlighted my colors to make it more dramatic.  We have been experiencing loss of Internet, depending on the weather so have not been able to post or comment regularly. We can't even pot pics on Facebook!  Boo to ATT! 

We have received so many lovely cards for the holidays both snail mail and e-cards.  Mom is trying to get them up on the blog when she can.  Thank you to all who remembered us and also those who also sent sympathy cards for Yoko. She is missed so much every day, especially this time of year.  Mom still has the sads about Yoko.  we are trying to cheer her up.

We will post for Christmas of course so do come back by when you can.  Here is one of me in front of our tree!


  1. Woody, you are one heckuva handsome mancat!

  2. Great pics!

    We hope you're having a great Monday and have a Merry Catmouse, too!


  3. What a bummer about your internet! At least that doesn't have to dampen the holidays for you kitties - some treats always make up for the internet lacks. ;-)

  4. We, too, experienced loss of Internet due to electrical storms lately.

    Wishing you health and happiness
    this holiday season and in the year to come! Purrs!

  5. Mr Woody!!! You are beyond handsome! Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas! Please take care

  6. That's a beautiful photo of you in front of the tree.

  7. Woody, you're handsome in any photo! We hope you keep your internet connection up--our human feels lost at home when she loses hers. ;-p

    And we'll wish you all a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday now, in case we do lose power later, what with the ice storm here.

    Purrs and peace,
    Nicki and Derry

  8. Woody is a handsome dude. We hope your internet behaves over the Christmas period.
    Have a Happy Christmas and we send our best wishes to you all.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Gorgeous pictures. Sending purrs to Mom Cheri and purrs to Snowball. Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season, a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with your heart's desires.

    Clooney Claus, Neytiri & Karyn

  10. You are looking mighty fine indeed! Love and hugs to all of you from all of us. Merry Christmas.

  11. guys. we bee ona pos dee vize two day N with de lightnin fast speed oh blogger we wanted ta say merry christmas bee fore easter getz heere!!!!!!!

  12. Woody, you're a beautiful mancat!

    Thanks to you, your mom and all of you for the Christmas card!

  13. Very handsome! Purrs and hugs to your Mom.

  14. Woody you are one very handsome tabby boy! We understand the sadness of your Mom with Yoko. We hope your innernets clears up that is frustrating too. We still send you peace filled joy for the Holidays.

  15. Woody, you are a handsome model :)
    We wish you a Merry Christmas.
    You are so good to help cheer your Mom. We understand that she misses Yoko.Our Mom still misses Tillie and has the sads too.
    We will always remember these precious kitties.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ
    and Angel Tillie

  16. Wow that is a very handsome picture of you pal. Internet issues are the worst - there should be a law against the internet ever having problems or going down.

  17. My Mom uses a few photo sites to play with photos of me as well. Yours came out beautiful! Love, Cody

  18. We sure do wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.

  19. Woody you is a handsome mancat for sure. And a bighearted one - what a good thing for you to do, to comfort the humans who are missing your fursib Yoko so much...

    Meowy Catmas to you all!


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