Today is World Cat Day (thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for this fun graphic) and we are celebrating cats in all colors. We have white cats, black cats, a torbie cat and tabby cats and even a grey and white tuxie cat. We are all very different in looks and in personalities.
Since many of our cats do not get much blog time Mom is going to feature a few of the quieter ones here with a little more about them. Top row - left to right is Sam napping with Snowball.
Sam |
Sam is the only one with an ear tip so Mom could tell him apart from the others. When we were all younger it was very hard to tell one white cat from another but now we have such distinctive personalities and looks she does fine. Sam is very quiet and hisses at the peeps when they first approach him but it is all show. He really wants loving but is too shy!
Norm |
Back to the pic - next is Tabitha, Only, and Rosa and Mamacita in one pic. Second row down is Minnie, Yoko, Darby and Norm. Now Norm is Sam's littermate and is also very quiet. He prefers to hide and run away when the peeps come by. He LOVES Snowball and follows him everywhere but Snowball is not so keen on all the attention he gets from Norm!
Georgie |
Next row is Al, Woody, Georgie and Lily. Georgie is a girl (Georgie Girl the movie) and is Norm and Sam's littermate. She is very pretty, dainty and a girly cat. She is also very quiet and kind of gets lost with all the boy cats in this group. Lily is the Mom to all the white cats except Al. Sometimes she is a fussy Mom and likes her alone time without the kids pestering her. We kinda feel bad as in a feral colony, she would have left the kittens when they were old enough to fend for themselves and got on with her own life. Now she is stuck with them all. We home to bring her in the house when some of the numbers go down to give her some peace.
Lily |
Last row is Smidge, Two Spot, Snowball and Sweetpea in the small pics and Ivy last. Smidge is Only and Two Spot's littermate and is a quiet yet feisty girl. She is small boned but can hold her own with her brothers. She makes a lot of noise howling and hissing when they mess with her. It scares them off. She can take care of herself and loves to be loved up by the peeps.
Smidge |
We hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about our gang. Happy World cat Day from all of us at Wildcat Woods!