
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

National Feral Cat Day 2013

Today is a very important day for us - it is National Feral Cat Day!  As most of you know, all but one of us (Yoko) are former feral cats.  If you have not read about our story - check out the interview on Mousebreath listed in the sidebar to the right.

Big Guy, Nick and Ivy living outside.

So much has changed over the years, thanks to Alley Cat Allies.  When Mom began working to get us all trapped, neutered and released, 14 years ago, very few local humane shelters would do anything to help ferals.  Their first reaction was to euthanise.  Mom ran smack into a wall with her local shelter.  They told her we did not have a worthwhile life, living outside without human contact and we would best be put to sleep!  That made Mom mad!

Lily's group

She found Alley Cat Allies online.  They were instrumental in helping her figure out the best way to trap us humanely.  Mom also found a kind veterinarian in our area who was willing to work with her for a nominal fee to get us all spayed and neutered. Years later, the Director of  that local shelter came by our house and was surprised to see us all living happily and healthily in the shelter Mom and Pop built for us, playing, having a great time. At least she had a more open view about feral cats than she did before.

Our present day cat shelter

Alley Cat Allies plays a tremendous role in educating the public about feral cats and dispelling myths.  They advocate vigilantly to end the killing of feral cats and get legally involved in cases where cats have been harmed to change laws to protect ferals.

Lily's kittens all grown up - Woody and Tabitha

Alley Cat Allies promotes humane care for ferals with programs like Campus Cats, Every Kitty - Every City and the Feral Friend Network.

They provide educational tools and brochures to guide feral cat caretakers.  You can get information on how to TNR, colony care, veterinary care and even how to socialize feral cats and kittens.  People used to think feral cats could not be tamed, but hey, look at all of us!  If you want to read about another feral cat that was rescued, saved from death in a shelter and tamed - check out Panther's story!

All cats deserve a chance at a happy healthy life, even ferals.  Help out when you can - get involved, spay and neuter and maybe someday all pets will have homes!  We can dream can't we?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

National Grouch Day - Oct. 15

Mom has been out of commission with a bad tooth so we are reposting this  from a couple of years back.

Tabitha here with my grouchy face on.  It seems that today Tuesday  October 15 is National Grouch Day. A day for the public to celebrate grouchiness and the things that make you grouchy! Here goes -
I don't like...

-having to wait until the older cats get served stinky goodness first - I am the biggest so I should eat first.

-being told to go away when I just want lovin'. A girl has needs.

-Pop sitting in my chair. I should get my chair when I want my chair. Find your own chair Pop!

-Woody sitting next to some other ladycat. He is MINE!

-being told to stop playing in the water bowl. It's fun! I don't care if everything gets wet.

I think I have covered it all. Go ahead be grouchy today. That is what today is for! What gripes have you got?

On a more serious note...Wednesday Oct 16 is National Feral Cat Day. We are all rescued ferals at our place and we know how hard life can be. Stop back by tomorrow for our special post. In the meantime, do something kind for the ferals in your community.