
Monday, July 7, 2014

Mellow Monday and Turkey TV

One of Only's out takes from his 4th photo session - he just yawned but looks like he is sneering.

We are back.  Hope everyone had a fun Fourth of July  (for those in the states)  Pop did well in his surgery and is recovering nicely.  He has his staples out this week and hopefully will be able to get back to normal.  The doctors say they got all the cancer.  Thank you for all your wonderful purrs, prayers and get well wishes for Pop!

Only gave up on posing to clean his belleh!

Ivy is over her conjunctivitis - she had a ulcer in her eye from it.  Mom did good giving her antibiotics and eye cream herself!  Only is over his second UTI in a few months and is on a daily dose of d-mannose to keep it from happening again.

We have had an unexpected visitor to our yard the past few weeks - a young turkey, all by his or her lonesome.  Imagine - turkey TV!  She or he comes to eat around the bird feeder in late afternoon.  Pretty cool.

Of course Mom videoed her/him.  Check it out.  If you can't view this here then go to our Youtube Channel.