Friday, March 20, 2015

Neighbor Cat Jack in Caturday Art

I processed this photo of our neighbor cat Jack to look like a watercolor.  (Click on the photo to bignify it for better viewing). I was out taking shots of the daffodils in the yard along the woods and he was right there with me.  He got bored and wandered into a sun puddle on the hillside above me when I spotted this pose.  Since my cats are indoor only, I enjoy having his visit so I can take photos of him in the yard.

Thanks again for the kind comments for my last Caturday Art post and for Lily. Her oral tumor is growing again but she is still eating and enjoying her time with us.We have a vet visit today to see what else we can do.

For more Caturday Art visit Athena and Marie.


Eastside Cats said...

Here's hoping the vet has some positive news about Lily!

Summer at said...

Lovely art today. I'm sending lots of purrs to Lily.

Unknown said...

Jack has a gorgeous smile! Wes LOVES this picture!

meowmeowmans said...

What a beautiful image and artistic treatment. Jack is handsome, and looks like he's really enjoying himself. :)

We are glad that Lily is eating well and enjoying life with you. We are purring and praying that will continue.

The Island Cats said...

That's very nice! Jack is enjoying the sun.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that photo is exquisite! He is in complete bliss!! (((hugs))) and love to you and Lily

A Tonl said...

Thinking of you and Lily....

That Jack sure does look like a kitty who enjoys his sun puddles!

Ingrid said...

That looks beautiful !

Mr Puddy said...

Great Captured of Mr. Jack !
He looks absolutely handsome, and so relax !

Have a fantastic weekend

Brian's Home Blog said...

We can see that big smile on his handsome face!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely picture. I am purring for Lily.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Beautiful photo!

Healing purrs to Lily,

Athena and Marie xx

pilch92 said...

He is a cutie. I am praying for a miracle that can keep Lily with you for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That is spectacular!

Marg said...

Great Picture. Sending purrs to Lily

Just Mags said...

That is beautiful. Keeping prayers going still for sweet Lily. Hugs and nose kisses

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Jack is adorable. It's fun to take kitty pictures outside :) Continued purrs for you and Lily.

The Swiss Cats said...

Jack really enjoys the sun ! Lovely picture. Purrs

Cathy Keisha said...

Jack is really enjoying that nice sun! Healing purrz for Lily.


What a great picture of Jack!
We are purrin and purrin for Lily.
WE hope the Vet was able to help her.



Timmy Tomcat said...

That is one great photo of a cat really enjoying the sun. Well done.
We have Lily in our family purr and prayer circle and wish her and you all a long time together enjoying each others company
Timmy and Family

Fuzzy Tales said...

I hope the vet was able to provide options. Continued purrs and purrayers.

RE: the pics on the Musings blog: I had put Roxul Safe & Sound insulation up between the joists as a noise-dampener over a year ago, then (badly) covered the insulation with the appropriate type of plastic sheeting. That was to keep the boys safe from bits of insulation, especially Nicki, who is prone to getting up there and getting into everything. So the flash was making it seem reflective in the snapshots.

CATachresis said...

Just wanted to come over to say we are purring and praying for Lily xox

Everycat said...

Jack looks like he's having the perfect time lounging in the dappled spring sunshine.

We are still sending lots of love and purrs for Lily and hope that the vet is able to keep helping her cope.

Love & rumbly purrs to you all and a hug for the humans

Mungo, Jet and The Ape xx

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope the vet was able to keep Lily free from pain - it is so sad when you feel so helpless.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx said...

That's a beautiful picture of Jack.
I hope the vet can make sure Lily is comfortable and pain free. Purring for you all.

Old Kitty said...

That's a wonderful sunny filled joyful photo of Jack!

Awww we are so sorry to hear that sweet lovely Lily is poorly! :-( We send her many purrs and hugs! Good luck at the vet's. Beautiful Lily - you are loved! Take care

CatInTheFridge said...

I heard Lily isn't feeling well and am paying a purr visit. Get better soon! - Crepes.

Karen Jo said...

The picture is wonderful. We have all our paws crossed that Lily doesn't suffer.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Jack looks stunning.

We are sending more healing purrs to Lily, we hope she has more time with you.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

jack...lookin good dood...N all ways...blessings N mor frum R pal St francis....we hope two days visit shed sum hope... & eye deaz for help ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



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