Me on the back porch |
I guess this is my day for the blog so my Mom and Dad can see how I am doing with Auntie Cheri and Uncle Don. So far so good. I had a few hissing spats with Sweetpea and Callie but other than that no problem.
Being snoopervised by Minnie |
I had my own room initially but that was pretty boring so I figured how to get out and meet the other cats. At first I was a bit overwhelmed by how many there are. But I am OK about that now. I inspected every inch of this new place and settled right in.
I like to hang out with Uncle Don best, maybe because he traveled with me from New England to North Carolina where I am now. I follow him from room to room and sit next to him. He give me lots of loves and pets. When I hear his voice, I come running out of my hidy spot to sit with him.
My hidy spot in Auntie's office |
It is not so bad here- they have lots of catnip toys laying around. I love to play with them and get a good bunny kick going. I get to sit in the window seats and watch the critters and birds outside - they have a lot of things here we didn't have at my old place...copperheads, bears, coyotes, bobcats, hawks, foxes. I guess I am better off being an indoor only cat here.
It sounds like you are settling in nicely, Mr. Kitty!
It's good to hear that you're settling in so well, Mr. Kitty. You look like you're getting lots of love and attention, (and catnip!) just like you deserve.
We are glad to see you are settling in well. We know it is a big adjustment, and we are glad you have a buddy to help you out. We know your mom and dad will be glad that your aunt and uncle are taking such good care of you and giving you lots of love.
Hi Mr. Kitty! You seem to be settling in well, all in all. We think it's great you've bonded with "Uncle Don." And wow, with all that wildlife, you definitely ARE much better being an indoor cat!
Mr. Kitty, what a very handsome mancat you are! Glad to hear you are playing with the toys and getting to meet all of the furry and non-furry family members. I think you are gonna like it in your new place!
How wonderful you have settled in so nicely! Looks like you know how to work over toys ;-)
Mr Kitty you are certainly a handsome ginger boy! We are so glad you have settled in so quickly.
We happy to hear you are doing well and YIPPEE for being an indoor-only cat! That's the only real place to be if you ask us and we ought to know, 'cause we're indoor-onlies too!
You are sure doing good and you really are most handsome!
dood !! awesum job on yur first oh fish ul post...we iz mega happee yur doin sew grate N even way happee urr ta heer ya iz knot out side with nastee azz snakes.......eeeeeeeega...lookin good dood...NC livin iz treetin ya well, N we hope everee ones stayin safe N dry frum Ana ♥♥♥
It looks like you are settling very nicely ! Purrs
Glad you are settling in well Mr Kitty. It sounds like there are lots of scary critters outdoors.
Mr. Kitty we are so happy to see that you're happy in your new home...and we LOVE your floofy ornj pants!
Glad things are going well.
Hi Mr. Kitty. We're glad you are doing okay in your new home. We're sure you and those other cats will be furiends soon.
You are a handsome fellow. I am glad you are starting to adjust and get to have some fun with catnip toys.
love that you love "Uncle Don" you had plenty of time to get to know him after that long journey!
Looks like you are doing very well in your new home. WE know you are going to like it there. You all have a great day.
You are such a pretty boy, so happy to hear how well you are settling in.
We're glad you're doing so well.
Thank you for your kind words about Cubby. We really miss him a lot.
The Florida Furkids
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