
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Purrs Please for Georgie

Georgie after a drink

  WED PM UPDATE - Saw Georgie - she is perkier and doing better. Her blood glucose is finally coming down and she seems more comfy. She will be able to come home Thurs PM if all goes well. Glad I brought her in when I did - hopefully they caught the ketoacidosis in the early stages and we can get her regulated for insulin. Kind of upset at the ER vets for missing this. They will hear it from me on Thurs! Keep purring until she comes home please.

UPDATE - so far Georgie has a UTI plus her blood showed a tiny bit of keytones from her glucose running high. They will do a full blood panel and xrays if needed. Sounds like the ER vet missed a bunch of things! Glad I took her to her regular vet today. Georgie is getting IV fluids and antibiotics to start with. Will let you know more as I get more info, Keep the purrs coming!!! Thanks.

I have not blogged in a while because we are having health issues with Georgie, our diabetic cat.  She was at the ER vet two weeks ago - dehydration, kidney values up a bit and high blood glucose.  After fluids for two days, antibiotics and  a change in insulin she seemed to be back to nrmal.

She stopped eating yesterday.  I had just brought her in for a check up on Monday and she was OK - not great but doing better.  I am bringing her in to the vet today and we will see what is what.  I am afraid there is something else going on with her and not just the diabetes.  I have been assist feeding her to keep her from getting hepatic lipidosis again.

Please keep her in your thoughts and purr hard for her.  She has had a rough year.


  1. We're sending loud and rumbly purrs to Georgie.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. I have been praying for Georgie every day. I will say an extra prayer for her today. XO

  3. Georgie! My girl, I'm sending you purrs and hugs from afar. Get well soon, babydoll!

  4. All our purrs and purrayers to Georgie and to you too. You've all had a very rough year. Hugs.

  5. Sending purrs from all of us. Hope it's something you can work with and cure.

  6. Oh sweet Georgie, we are keeping you in our purrs. (((hugs)))

  7. Georgie, you are in our purrz until you are better...

    -Katie Kat.

  8. Purring and praying for Georgie!! Hope she's much better soon!

  9. Oh my goodness, we're all sending purrs and prayers to dear Georgie.

  10. Purrs for Georgie!!!

    From all of us at Forty Paws and Maw

  11. Sending our purrs, barks, and prayers to Georgie and your entire family! You'll be in our thoughts all day.

  12. I am sending lots of purrs to Georgie!

  13. goergie....we noe all two well bout ER vetz......we iz sorree...we will inn deed ask R pal St Francis two continmew ta send blessings yur way..... N we hope ya gettin ta feelin total lee way better, even faster than quik lee ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥

  14. Sendin' purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. I will keep purring for Georgie!I hope the antibiotics help with her UTI.

  16. Sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope the fluids and antibiotics help her feel better soon.

  17. We are hoping Georgie will recover from this quickly and that there isn't anything else wrong. Poor sweetie.

  18. Sending load and rumbly purrs of health to sweet Georgie!

  19. We purr that Georgie continues to improve.

  20. purring and praying for sweet Georgie with all of our might!

  21. We'll definitely be purring and praying for Georgie. Hope she can come home tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  22. Poor Georgie, and poor you. I am not at all impressed with the skills of veterinarians, really. They seem to miss so much, and sometimes only check things when prompted. May Georgie feel better very soon and come home to you.

  23. We has our paws crossed Georgie gets to come home today. Healing purrs.

  24. Healing purrs for sweet Georgie❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️ Hope you are feeling better real soon

  25. We are purring hard for Georgie and hope she will be back home with you soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  26. Tons of Purrz for Georgie!!! Waiting fur an update...
    Purrz from the Katie Katz


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