
Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy Birthday America!

Mr Kitty

 Wishing y'all a fun, safe and happy 4th of July!  We are going to stay indoors away from the fireworks and noise but the beans may wander off to see one of the local displays!  At least where we live, we don't hear the noise from the celebrations!

Notice anything different about Georgie in this photo?  She got her feeding tube out yesterday!  The vet thought she was doing well - gained weight, her diabetes is stable and she is eating great on her own!  Yay for Georgie!  A day worth celebrating - she came thru this wonderfully.  Thank you for all your support during her illness. We need her to stop having health crises - she is using up her 9 lives pretty fast.  She needs to save some for her later years!

Happy Independence Day!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Mr. Kitty on Mancat Monday and a Georgie Update

Me and Georgie enjoying the sun.

Mr. Kitty here - I seem to be sharing my Mondays with Georgie - I don't mind.  She is a sweet ladycat.  

Auntie Cheri has been very busy caring for her.  The ER vet has upped her insulin hoping that she will put on weight.  She was down a bit last week - not good.  If the new insulin level is not working to help stabilize her weight, then they will do a test for pancreatic insufficiency.  Scarier than it sounds - it just means she will need to take digestive enzymes with her food.  Before that  tho, Auntie has to do a "curve"  - something to do with the blood glucose.  It takes all day so that will keep Auntie and Georgie busy!

Georgie had been doing great - eating on her own and eating a good amount but they wanted to make sure so they left the feeding tube in her.  Good thing too cuz Sunday night she did not eat on her own and the beans had to feed her with the tube so they could give her insulin shot!  Hope this is a one time issue.  Auntie forgot a dose of the appetite stimulant.  I guess we can forgive her as Auntie was sick this week and went to the ER herself!  She is OK - just a stomach bug, and dehydration which made her pass out!  Purrs appreciated to Georgie that this can be resolved pretty soon.

Now to me!  Even tho it was a heat wave this past week I spent all the time I could out on the screen porch.  The beans wouldn't let me out unless it was cool - like in the morning and then later in the day.  I like the heat tho and lay tummy up soaking it all in!

For the International Box Day - Auntie made us all pose in boxes.  None of us were in the mood so she put catnip in the boxes to entice us.  She forgot and left the tub of catnip on the coffee table.  Oh boy! I jumped on this super opportunity to have it all to myself.  I knocked it off  onto the floor and low and behold, the top came off too!  Whoo whee - I was in nip heaven!  I rolled and rolled in the delicious fragrant nip.  What a feeling! Nothing like getting high!

Me in nip heaven!

Auntie rescued the rest of the catnip and I eventually passed out on the floor. It was great while it lasted!  Wishing you all a nip filled week!  See ya for the 4th of July!