Me |
Callie here today -You guys know how much Mom loves Halloween! We are helping her get ready by wearing our special Halloween themed bandanas by Jodi, our IG friend. Each one is reversible and attaches to your collar. We don't wear collars so Mom used a ribbon.
Only models the other side of mine - spooky black with spider webs |
Mr Kitty |
The shop is
BellaLovesAlex and features hand made kitty bandanas and bow ties for all seasons and holidays. They are purrfectly made and easy to wear. If you are too late for this Halloween, then check out her fall and Christmas ones. Anything from this shop would make wonderful gifts fr your family and friends. Follow BellaLovesAlex on Instagram @bellalovesalex or on
Jodi's cat Gizmo from her Etsy page with her orange bow tie. |
(Mom didn't get anything for writing this - she just likes Jodi's hand made items for cats. Mom only buys American hand made!)
Tabitha wears the flip side of Mr Kitty's bandana |
Mom also put up some Halloween decor at the base of our driveway. A scary witch with a gravestone, with pumpkins and mums.Have you put any Halloween decorations up at your house?
Our cat shelter is in the left corner |
We will be back with a special Halloween post with us in new never before seen costumes. Before that we will remember our dear Minnie who left us last year on Oct. 29. My Gotcha Day and Snowball's comes up right after Halloween so we should be online quite a bit for a while! Hope to see you all then!!
P.S. An update on us. Normie was at the vet's twice this month for constipation. It turns out the culprit was his Greenie dental treats. Don't use those. We threw ours away. Then Sweetpea had a sore paw - her dew claw had grown in again so they had to cut all the claws way back. We will have to keep an eye on her claws. She is doing well on her herbal thyroid and kidney meds.