
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Gotcha Day to Callie and Snowball!

Me Snowball

Hi everyone, it is me Snowball hosting today for my 10th Gotcha Day.  Since Callie was Gotcha'd on Nov. 1 three years ago and me on Nov. 2, I am being gracious enough to share the day with her.

It has been an uneventful year for me so that is good - no health issues or anything. Well, there was one thing.  I did have an acupuncture session or two for my megacolon a few months ago and it helped. Our cat house has only six other cats besides me now so it is nice and roomy with just the few of us. Al is still trying to be top cat but all the others know that cat is ME!  Let Al think what he wants as long as he doesn't mess with my status.

Life is good and I am enjoying this nice warm fall we have had.  I am hoping for a warm winter too but with some rain or snow (just a little). I know today I will be getting extra love, cuddles and treats...yum.

Callie with a sugarskull

Now a bit about our other Gotcha Day kitty, sweet girl Callie.  It is hard to believe that has only been with us for three years.  It seems like she has been here a good way.  She is getting along with the other cats much better and is even trying to boss a few around (like Mamacita and Rosa) but Mom won't let her get away with that.  She is a bit younger so still has a lot of energy - every morning before breakfast Callie gets the zoomies and runs all thru the house, even jumping over Mom still sleeping on the bed!  She is silly and fun.  She too will get treats and lots of cuddles from the beans today.

Hope you enjoy our party today - a Day of the Dead theme.  I think we might have done this one before but no matter.  Mom even decorated the driveway  with Day of the Dead stuff so you can find out house easier.

Fill up your plates with sweets, snacks and of course nip margaritas, and dance to the music.  You can even dress up for the occasion too if you want. Thanks so much for stopping by.  We love you guys!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Never before seen..until now...our 2016 Wildcat Woods Halloween costumes!  First is me...Countess Tabitha the Severer, known for carving her victims into tiny pieces.

Seductive Callie is dressed as a Hawaiian Hula Girl with flower lei and grass skirt. hoping to win over some handsome mancat out there.

For the ladycats is hunky Punk Rocker Mr Kitty with his spiked orange hair, leather wrist cuff and chain collar (hidden in his long sexy fur.)

And then for the cats who won't let mom dress them up and have to be tricked to get costumed... the tongue in cheek, punny and silly costumes ... 

Snowball as the suave yet laid back Buccaneer (buck-an-ear, get it?) resting on his hammick

Our Eddie Haskell cat, Only posing for the Cat's Out of the Bag costume..

And dark evil Mamacita as sinister villain BlackMail

Hope you enjoyed our line-up for this All Hallow's Eve. We will be back shortly for a combo Gotcha Day for Callie and Snowball on Nov. 2 just in time for El Dios de la Muerte.  Y'all come back!